Friday, October 10, 2014

Turkey Stuffing and Thanksgiving!

         Wishing you a "Happy Thanksgiving"    
    's a recipe for this weekend.
                   Orange Crates Sage and Savoury Stuffing recipe: (item # OC10880)

The night before cut one loaf of bread into 1 cm cubes and put into a big bowl and let sit over night to dry out.

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (180c).
For added flavour, take the turkey neck and giblets and boil with 2 cups of water for 15 minutes (set aside when done). Dice up 2 medium white onions and 4 stalks of celery and saute them in a pan with 1/2 cup butter for 10 minutes. Add the celery and onions mixture to the bread bowl along with 2 heaping tablespoons of 'Orange Crates Stuffing Seasoning'. Start by mixing in a couple of tablespoons of the water from the turkey neck stock and one lightly beaten egg. You can also add 1 additional tablespoon of the seasoning You want the mixture to stick together but not be sopping wet. Transfer to a baking dish and bake for 1 hour mixing at the halfway point.

For added flavour/texture: you can add diced apples, cranberries or crushed almonds.